
Friday, May 28, 2021

Further Articles from Around the Web: How to Follow Your Calling and More

How to Follow Your Calling The essential human calling is to love God by loving what God loves, how God loves it. We frequently refer to this as the Great Commandment or the summary of the Law. Jesus himself summarized the whole Torah by saying that we should love God with every ounce of our being and love our neighbor as if our own life depends upon their well-being (Matthew 22:34-40). Strictly speaking, this is our calling.

Homelessness Is Vexing American Cities. Do Christians Have a Solution? Homelessness is not only on the rise but it is also not a problem confined to major urban areas. It is a problem in the small university town on the outskirts of which I live. This past winter the closet warming center for the homeless was in a town almost a half an hour's drive away.

Today Is World Hunger Day 2021. Will You Get In the Tent? Hunger and food insecurity are not only a global problem but also a local one. With the COVID-19 pandemic food banks in the UK and the US have seen a growing need for emergency food assistance. Getting in the tent means not only serving the most vulnerable globaly but also locally.

Simple But Useful Tips for Pastors to Make Good First Impressions with Church Guests The advice that Sam Rainer offers to pastors in this article is good advice to all of us whatever our role in our church. First impressions do matter.

More Americans Are Reading the Bible. Now What? While more Americans are reading the Bible, they are not engaging with the Bible often enough for their Bible reading to make a difference in their lives.

The Future of Music in the Church This article was originally published five years ago. Church Leaders republished the article on its website yesterday. I am not too happy with what Ed Stezer sees as the growing trend in Christain worship in the United States. New hymns, songs, and tune always have a place in our church services. At the same time we should not be in a hurry to abandon the old hymns, songs, and tunes. What passes for worship in many churches today is not genuinely corporate. There is very little Scripture and very little prayer. The Lord's Supper is celebrated infrequently or in a too casual a manner. There is a real need for worship renewal in many churches.

Post by the Numbers: A Guide to Insights on Social Media How do we go about evaluating what digital platforms work best for our church or ministry and what steps do we take to make room for changing trends in our social media strategy? Rachel Syens of Church Juice offers us some answers.

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