
Saturday, May 08, 2021

How to Design a Message Series That Engages Unchurched People

So you want to reach unchurched people.

And if you do, Sunday mornings is a make it or break it time. Teaching and preaching becomes a very complex task of being 100% faithful to scripture and engaging your audience.

Preachers who say they don’t care what their audience thinks probably don’t care about their audience.

Can you craft a message series for unchurched people and still be faithful to scripture?


Can you preach to a room full of churched people and unchurched people at the same time with the same message and help them both take a step in their faith?

Without a doubt, yes.

The question is how.

This post, by the way, is part of a series.... Read More

Also See:
The 3 Types of Tension in a Sticky Sermon

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