
Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Six Reasons to Preach More Than Once on the Same Topic

Someone once told the story about a minister who preached an unusual sermon one day, and used a peanut to illustrate several things from the Bible. One of the members greeted him at the close of the service and said, “That was very interesting, Pastor. I never expected to learn so much from a nut!”

Sometimes using a prop — even a peanut! — can help us be more effective in our preaching.

So can preaching on the same subject more than once.

I know some preachers might think I’m a nut to suggest it could be wise to preach on some topics more than once considering there are a vast number of things to preach on, but here are just six reasons for doing so.... Read More
This article I must admit surprised me. I could not imagine a minister preaching one sermon on a particular topic and believing that he adequately dealt with that topic in one sermon. If a minister's aim is to form the members of his church's congregation into devoted followers of Jesus Christ, then the minister needs to preach more than one sermon on a number of key topics. He will also need to give talks on these topics outside the Sunday service and include them in the curriculum of the church's small groups. One of the reasons that churches are not engaging in evangelism and ministry in their communities is that the members of their congregations have been inadequately discipled or they have not been disciples at all. 

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