
Monday, May 17, 2021

Why Confessions Matter

If I have the Bible, why do I need anything else? Many serious, well-intentioned Christians have asked this question out of suspicion toward “man-made” creeds and confessions. But is there a better alternative than “me and my Bible”?

1. Confessions Are Unavoidable

Because everyone reads the Bible through the lenses of their theology, we always believe more than what is literally stated in the text of Scripture. As soon as we unpack what we believe about Scripture, we’re trying to do on our own something like what has been articulated by historic confessions and catechisms. Confessions even address such basic issues as which Bible we believe, or—at least—which Bible books should be considered canonical, or authoritative (Belgic Confession of Faith 3­–6; Westminster Confession of Faith 1:2–3). Historic confessions can help us be honest and public about the theology we already have. Read More

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