
Friday, June 18, 2021

3 Toolkits to Help You Talk with Vaccine-Hesitant People in Your Church and Community

Sixty percent of Americans are still not vaccinated. Here are some tools for communicating about it.

With 39.8% of Americans having been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 to date, we’ve made unprecedented progress toward fighting the virus that’s attacked our planet. But what about that remaining 60% of Americans who’ve not yet been vaccinated?

Certainly there are contraindications for individuals with designated health complications, and these individuals are wisely declining the vaccine. Many Americans face challenges with transportation and other access issues. And many communities are organizing to help these individuals. But there’s another reason contributing to that 60% that’s more troubling.

Research shows that 1 in 4 Americans would refuse a vaccine if given the opportunity to receive it. These aren’t individuals who shouldn’t receive the vaccine or are having difficulty accessing healthcare. They are those who are hesitant to get the vaccine for ideological reasons, and many of them are Christians. In a moment when doctors and researchers are concerned that our nation won’t reach herd immunity, pastors and church leaders have a unique opportunity to move the needle on protecting the vulnerable by addressing those who are hesitant or resistant to receiving the vaccine.

Here’s three free online toolkits full of helpful practical knowledge, resources, and tips you need for talking with others hesitant to get the COVID-19 vaccine in a loving, respectful, and caring way. Read More
If 60% of Americans have not been vaccinated, it means that six out of every ten people in the United States is unvaccinated. Multiply that by 10, it is 60 out of every 100 people, and so on. That is plenty of people for the more infectious and more dangerous Delta variant replicate itself in. Now some folks are sitting around, hoping infection rates will stay low and they will not have to get vaccinated. But infection rates are beginning inch up again in some states. As the Delta variant spreads in the unvaccinated population, we may begin to see in the United States what is happening in the United Kingdom. There is growing documentation that people who become infected with the COVID-10 coronavirus are more susceptible to a variety of other diseases. The virus permanently damages their health. 

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