
Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Are Women Worth Less than Men in the Bible?

It’s a big accusation and a common accusation, that in the Bible, women are worth less than men. And one of the go-to Bible passages is Leviticus 27. The accusation arises because of shiny shekels. Women are valued at less shekels!

Shekels were like our Aussie dollar or the English pound, they were a unit of value for the ancient Jews.

In Leviticus 27 if someone, a man or a woman, makes a special vow and they want to dedicate a person to the LORD then they pay a dedication in shekels. And here is where it seems like women are worth less. A woman, in her prime, between the age of 20 and 60 is only valued at 30 shekels. While a man of the same age is valued at 50 shekels.

It seems that women are worth less. There you have it. The smoking gun in the last chapter of Leviticus. God’s word says women are worthless. In two verses of Leviticus we have all the proof we need. Let’s throw out the Bible.

Yes, let’s. For if we don’t we might keep reading just a few more measly sentences. And there we’ll discover we have a problem. For it isn’t that simple. Read More

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