
Monday, June 07, 2021

Five Suggested Guidelines for Pastors and Church Staff on Social Media

It happened yet again.

Church leaders fired a pastor because of his social media postings, primarily on Facebook. He even asked me for my opinion before his termination. I told him bluntly he could get fired. His posts were argumentative, political, and, at times, caustic. He didn’t listen to me. He tried to convince me he had to take a stand on these issues.

He did. And the church leadership responded as I predicted.

The early days of social media were often informational, relational, and familial. Now many of the posts are verbal warfare. What, then, should Christian leaders do? What are some of the guidelines to follow before you make that next post? I am certainly far from infallible, but here are some lessons I have learned, mainly from my own mistakes and the mistakes of others. Read More

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