
Saturday, June 12, 2021

‘Preserve the Base’: Leaked Audio of SBC leaders Shows Reluctance on Dealing with Sex Abuse

Recordings released by a prominent pastor highlight dispute over how to handle abuse allegations in the nation's largest Protestant denomination.

Newly released audio clips from a Southern Baptist whistleblower appear to corroborate accusations Southern Baptist Convention leaders were reluctant to take action against churches accused of mishandling abuse.

The audio contains a recording of Ronnie Floyd, president of the SBC’s Executive Committee, telling SBC leaders in an October 2019 meeting that he is concerned about preserving the base in the denomination — even if that leads to criticism from abuse survivors.

“As you think through strategy — and I am not concerned about anything survivors can say,” Floyd says in the recording, taken during a meeting to debrief the Caring Well Conference, held to address the handling of sexual abuse allegations within the SBC. “OK. I am not worried about that. I’m thinking the base. I just want to preserve the base.” Read More

Also See:
Southern Baptists Take Sides Ahead of Nashville Meeting

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