
Saturday, June 12, 2021

Your Church Needs You to Serve Kids More Than Ever

Praise the Lord that life is beginning to get back to normal in most places in the United States. As vaccine rates rise and new CDC recommendations emerge, restrictions are loosening and reopening is more common. Many children’s ministries have been open for months and some are just starting to meet in person.

Wherever your church falls in that spectrum, I can assure you of one common need. Your church and your church’s kids need you to step up.

I know you’re busy. Maybe your kids are grown and you feel it is not your turn anymore. Maybe you decided long ago that children’s ministry just wasn’t your thing. Perhaps you have kids of your own and you want a break on Sundays. I get all of that. For twenty years I’ve talked to church members who said those same things.

But this season is different. Read More

Also See:
Tips For Teaching Preschoolers in Your Children’s Ministry

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