
Monday, July 05, 2021

3 Advantages of a Small Church

The church is God’s people gathered and scattered, and Jesus loves the church in its many shapes and forms. Jesus preached to large crowds and ministered to the multitudes. He also invested in a group of 70 followers whom he sent on a mission in his name. He also had a group of 12 followers who walked very closely with him and partnered in his kingdom ministry. In addition, he had a tight group of three (Peter, James and John) who were invited into some of the most intimate moments of Jesus’ life and ministry.

What’s the point? Jesus is about mission, not church size.

He is still building his kingdom, and the church is his vehicle to accomplish this task. Sometimes the best way to achieve his plans is to gather large groups of his people. At other times, our sovereign Lord decides to use lots of smaller gatherings of his followers. In either case, the goal is his glory and the advancement of his kingdom. Read More

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