
Friday, July 02, 2021

4 Reasons to Show Mercy to Others

God wants you to be an agent of mercy in the world.

Everyone needs mercy because everyone has messed up. We’ve all hurt other people and made mistakes. We’ve all sinned and we all have hurts, habits, and hang-ups as a result of the mistakes we’ve made.

Mercy changes the lives of people who have made mistakes, and we who have received mercy freely can change the world around us by showing mercy to others.

Here are four reasons to keep showing mercy to others. Read More
What trouble me about this article was that someone would need to write it. Being merciful is one of Jesus' key teachings. While he was here on earth, Jesus exemplified mercifulness in the way that he intereacted with sinners, with people like ourselves. I would question whether someone who calls themselves a Christian is a follower of Jesus if they did not show mercifulness in their words and deeds. They might not like what I am saying, but Jesus taught that we should be merciful as our Father in heaven is merciful and thereby show ourselves to be the children of the Most High, God's children.

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