
Saturday, July 03, 2021

5 Steps to Reboot Your Church

Restarting ministry in your church building

Here are four realities for almost every church:

1. During COVID, you lost some families.
2. During COVID, some families drifted away in terms of commitment and involvement.
3. During COVID, you gained many new families, but they remain largely online.
4. After COVID, your current in-person attendance is running at about half or less than it was pre-COVID.

All of which means there is a fifth reality for almost every church:

5. Here, at the end of COVID and the reopening of the world, you need to reboot your church.

I chose the term “reboot” purposefully as I believe it really is the most appropriate word. A reboot is different than just returning to in-person events. That’s just turning on the lights and opening the doors as if nothing happened. But during the last 15 months, some things did happen. No church just reopened their doors and went right back to the way things were before. Why? Because we need a lot more than a reopening.

We need a reboot. Read More

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