
Tuesday, July 06, 2021

A Special Prayer Request for This Summer's Vacation Bible Schools

Across the United States many churches will be holding Vacation Bible School this week or a subsequent week during the summer. Some churches may have already held their VBS. Here in Murray, Kentucky my friends at First Methodist started their VBS yesterday, Monday, July 5, at 5:00 PM. They are conducting their VBS in the evening throughout the week, concluding with VBS Sunday this coming Sunday.

I am asking prayers for Murray First’s Vacation Bible School and all VBSs that have started this week or will be starting in upcoming weeks. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will work powerfully in everyone involved, in church staff, volunteers, and participants, in everything that is said and done, that young hearts and minds will be reached with the good news of Jesus and of a loving God who sent Jesus to be their Savior, Lord, and Friend.

I attended Vacation Bible School as a young boy more than 60 odd years ago. I still remember making mosaics of Bible stories from dyed, crushed eggshells. Since that time I have taken part in VBS as a volunteer, mainly learning and singing worship songs with the kids.

Vacation Bible School is not only way for kids to have summer fun but also for them to learn about God’s love for them and to experience God’s love.

Thank you for your prayers.

May God bless and keep you this day and evermore.

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