
Tuesday, July 13, 2021

ACNA Bishop Admits Mishandling Child Sex-Abuse Case

For the third time in a little more than a year, a bishop of the Anglican Church in North America (ACNA) has left office for an offense related to sexuality. This time, the episode is flaring into national consciousness through media reports and Twitter threads, amid allegations that church officials kept quiet for years about accusations of sexual abuse involving a 9-year-old girl.

The Rt. Rev. Stewart Ruch III, Bishop of the Diocese of the Upper Midwest, requested and was granted a leave of absence on July 8 after acknowledging “regrettable errors” in responding to alleged sexual offenses by a volunteer lay leader at a small Anglican church in Illinois. Archbishop Foley Beach announced the leave of absence on July 10.

“I feel like the best way to walk in integrity now is to step aside as this process moves forward and as efforts are made to serve any survivors of abuse,” Ruch said in a letter to the diocese. The diocese has hired an independent company, California-based Grand River Solutions, to reach out to other possible victims and make recommendations on improving the diocese’s practices. Read More

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