
Friday, July 30, 2021

CDC Document Warns Delta Variant Appears to Spread as Easily as Chickenpox and Cause More Severe Infection

The Delta coronavirus variant surging across the United States appears to cause more severe illness and spread as easily as chickenpox, according to an internal document from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The document -- a slide presentation -- outlines unpublished data that shows fully vaccinated people might spread the Delta variant at the same rate as unvaccinated people.

CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky confirmed the authenticity of the document, which was first reported by The Washington Post.

"I think people need to understand that we're not crying wolf here. This is serious," she told CNN.

"It's one of the most transmissible viruses we know about. Measles, chickenpox, this -- they're all up there." Read More

Also See: 
My county has experienced sudden jump in new COVID-19 infections from zero to 72 cases in a very short period of time--less than a week. We are now classified as a high transmission county. Most of these new infections are unvaccinated people. A very small percentage of the new cases are break-through infections. However, the county health department report does not identify whether the individuals who experienced break-through infections were fully-vaccinated or with what vaccine were they vaccinated. Some vaccines are more effective than others. The two-dose vaccine is more effective than the single dose vaccine and the two-dose vaccines are more effective when both doses have been received.

Neighboring Marshall County has also seen an uptick in new infections. The positive test rate jumped from 1.8 % to 31.2 %. 

In the same county a local pastor is urging people not to wear face masks or get vaccinated. He appears oblivous to the fact that the advice he is giving will contribute to the spread of the virus in the county and endanger people's health and safety. He largely appears to be politically-motivated. Regrettably in my state the response to the pandemic has become politicized and the virus is taking full advantage of this development to spread and replicate. 

Earlier today I ran across a newly posted article online which was advising pastors and other church leaders on how they can help people adjust to post-pandemic conditions. This article was completely out of touch with the present stage of the pandemic. Vaccination efforts have stalled. The Delta variant has spread throughout the United States and many counties are experiencing a surge in new cases and hospitalizations. The kind of pandemic denial that was seen in early stages of the pandemic has reasserted itself. 

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