
Monday, July 26, 2021

It's Monday: 'The Challenges Churches Face Leasing Facilities in a Post-COVID World' and More

We are only beginning to assess and realize the changes and challenges COVID brought to churches. One of those challenges emerged during the pandemic. Churches that leased facilities were not able to return when the restrictions of the pandemic lifted. Some of them lost their leases altogether. Let’s look at some of these issues and challenges. They are indeed issues we might never have anticipated if there had not been a pandemic.

Who Are ‘Evangelicals’ and Why Knowing That Matters for Your Church
Have you ever read a news article or looked at research about evangelicals and thought, “That doesn’t seem like me or the evangelicals I know”? You may be right because you may be defining “evangelical” differently than the article. Our personal experience and anecdotal evidence shouldn’t automatically outweigh solid statistical research, but it can provide a window into some of the confusion surrounding evangelicals.

How Christians Are Rebuilding a Relationship with Colorado Springs
It’s one thing to tell the city that you’re there for its good. It’s another to show it.

Carey Nieuwhof: 5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Copy a Megachurch
This article is a repost. If you have read it before, I definitely recommend reding it again.

Tired of Outrage? Let’s DO Something
I think it’s very telling that in a recent survey of 5,000 people, over 72% of White Evangelicals indicated that being an American held the same importance to them as being a Christian. If that’s the message we are giving our kids and youth, guess what happens when they get disillusioned with something in America? Their faith is attached to it. It’s not Jesus. It’s something else. And it’s not okay.

Reasons Your Church Members Are Not Volunteering... And What to Do About It
If your church is like most churches, you need more workers—and, you have attenders who come every Sunday without volunteering to do anything. Here are some reasons that happens....

10 Strategies for Recruiting Church Workers
I hear it all the time: “Dr. Lawless, we just don’t have enough laborers in our church. Those who are serving are overworked, and too many people do nothing.” Perhaps these ideas will help you if your church faces this issue.

Wire Story: Court Upholds Ruling in Favor of InterVarsity at U of Iowa
“We are hard-pressed to find a clearer example of viewpoint discrimination.”

Christian Student Clubs Triumph Against Religious Discrimination
Christian student clubs continue to prevail in court against the unjust religious discrimination of university officials.

How Limiting Latin Mass May Become the Defining Moment for Pope Francis
Pope Benedict XVI expanded the Latin Mass in 2007 in an olive branch to traditionalists. His successor hopes reversing that decision may better serve unity in the church.

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