
Monday, July 12, 2021

It's Monday: 'J. I. Packer’s Famous Essay on Christ’s Death' and More

J. I. Packer’s Famous Essay on Christ’s Death
J I Packer wrote this essay as an introduction to Puritan John Owen's The Death of Death in the Death of Christ: A Treatise in Which the Whole Controversy about Universal Redemption is Fully Discussed.

10 Things Every New Christian Should Know
Brian Mavis offers a list of 10 things that he believes a new Christian should know within the first year.

‘How Could All the Prophets Be Wrong About Trump?’
While the Bible contains references to prophets and prophesy, it contains warnings about lying prophets and false prophets too. The Bible also tells us that God humbles the proud and that we should put our trust not in human leaders but in God himself.

Highway to Hell: Why the Modern Emphasis on Justice Paves the Way for a Traditional Doctrine
Aaron Earlys shares some research findings regarding what Americans believe about sin and hell and the implications of these findings.

How to Improve Singing Pitch – 7 Great Tips
I have one problem with this article. Mark Cole assumes that every chorister and vocalist knows how to play the piano. I have sung in several chancel choirs and on one praise team. The choristers and vocalists who were able to play a piano or electronic keyboard were few in number.

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