
Thursday, July 22, 2021

It's Thursday: 'A Few Surprising Perspectives about Your Unchurched Neighbors' and More

Many of our neighbors are unchurched. Several of them may not know Christ. Who are they, and what are their perceptions? The Church Answers research team asked this question and found several things we must know about the unchurched.

4 Ways to Maximize the Benefits of Online Church
Jeff Chaves suggests four ways that we can get the most out of online church, based on his experience pastoring a church online.

Five Ways to Motivate Others (That You May Have Missed)
Charles Stone shares fresh insights garnered from neuroscience on how we can best motivate others.

Gentle Confrontation
Confronting others with gentleness I must admit is challenging. Jordan Standridge offers some pointers.

10 Things Parents Want To See In Your Children's Ministry
William Vanderbloemen shares some church practices which hehas noticed stood out from the rest after many years of actual experience working with children’s ministries and involving his own kids.

Church Website Objectives – Making Your Church Website Work For You
When all you see is empty pews, you may need to think through your church website objectives.

Beth Moore: SBC Seminary Presidents Made CRT ‘Witch-Hunt’ Unavoidable
Is the controversy over Criticial Race Theory (CRT) getting out of hand? Beth Moore thinks that it is.

Georgia Church Loses Pastor, Then Its Assets, to Regional UMC Leaders
The North Georgia Conference seized assets of Mount Bethel United Methodist Church in Marietta on July 12, a move that has sparked tensions already roiling over the denomination’s ongoing conflict around same-sex marriage and LGBT ordination.

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