
Wednesday, July 14, 2021

It's Wednesday: "Mainline Protestants Are Still Declining, But That’s Not Good News for Evangelicals' and More

If there’s one overarching conclusion that comes from studying survey data of American religion over the last several decades, it is that fewer people identify with an established religious tradition every year. The ranks of religiously unaffiliated, also called the nones, have grown from just about 5 percent in the early 1970s to at least 30 percent in 2020.

10 Poisons That Will Kill Any Church
I read recently that thousands of churches close their doors every year. Who knows how many others are on life support? We live in a time when churches need revitalization and renewal. The eternal destiny of people depend on the faithful witness of local churches. Here are 10 poisons that will kill any church.

Is Your Online Church IRS Compliant?
When you took your church online, did you know that it needs to meet compliance requirements? Like your physical church, what your ministry does online is held accountable to the IRS.

It’s Noisy Out There: Why We Need Intergenerational Community
The noise is not the only reason that churches need to help the generations connect. The generations are losing touch with each other.

Good Works Are Less Complicated Than You Think
If you want to make an evangelical nervous, mention the concept of good works. But speaking of good works should feel life-giving.

4 Handy Tips On Eye Contact And Body Posture In Worship Leading
I must disagree with what Dan Wilt says about eyes closed. People are apt to close their eyes out of the mistaken belief that it is a more devote way of praying or worshiping. It is more of a learned habit than it is a sign that they are deeply spiritually engaged, communing with God. When people close their eyes in a worship gathering, however, they often miss what the Holy Spirit is doing in the gathering.

Back to Normal Post-COVID? Not Everywhere
International Mission Board workers share descriptions of current conditions around the world. The COVID-19 pandemic has not gone away.

Christians Aren’t Called to Pull Weeds but to Sow Seeds!
It is not our job to call down fire or tear out tares. The only evil we are called to root out is the evil in our own lives (Matthew 7:5.) Instead, we are called to sow seed generously in the harvest field (Matthew 13:1-23) and disciple those who respond to the message. We are called to go with the goers, pray for the others and keep chucking Gospel seeds.

Use Your Summer Schedule for Evangelism
Through the years, I have learned that effective evangelism results from intentionality. In my book, Sharing Jesus Without Freaking Out, 2nd ed., we make the point: “A Jesus Sharing Lifestyle starts with a plan to share Jesus as part of everyday living.” (p. 121) Throughout the book we encourage the reader to place themselves at God’s disposal, praying for opportunities, and then “develop a rhythm of life that focuses on your spiritual formation as a witness.” How is this possible in the summer?

When Evangelism Makes You Cringe
Most of us cringe at the word evangelism. Christians I talk to are creeped out by it, uncomfortable, and want to run as far away from “witnessing” as possible.

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