
Wednesday, July 21, 2021

It's Wednesday: 'Progress in the Pandemic: Christ Church, Tulsa' and More

Due to an area-wide internet outage I was unable to post anything on Anglicans Ablaze on Monday and Tuesday.  

Progress in the Pandemic: Christ Church, Tulsa
Churches try to do too much. Everett Lees, pastor of Christ Church, Tulsa, found that "one of the defining moments in the life of the parish was when parishioners collectively shifted their priority from trying to do everything to doing just a few things really well." 

Is Jesus Wrong … Or Do You Just Not Like Him?
"A lot of people come up with objections, but they are not real objections because they’d never apply those same standards to themselves." J. D. Greear has a point.

Top Ten Ways to Make Your Congregation Stop Singing
Back in the 1980s Betty Pulkingham pointed to our attention that the main purpose of a church's music leadership team is to release the congregation into praise. In too many churches today the music leadership team is neglecting that purpose.

One Easy Trick to See If You’re Reading the Bible Right
A better choice of title for this thoughtful article would have been "One Way of Determining If You're Reading the Bible Right." "Easy Trick" I associate with online ads and videos which usually turn out to be scams.

God’s Dumb Children
Eleazar Maduka examines one reason we may have difficulty in praying.

Americans’ Confidence in Church Drops to Near Historic Low
I am prompted to wonder whether the growing climate of distrust in the United States fostered by political leaders is a contributing factor to this loss of confidence as well as the failure of some churches to take responsible measures to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in their community.

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