
Saturday, July 31, 2021

No Matter Your Age, God’s Still Got a Mission for You

When Daniel was well over 80 years old, he was still living in captivity in Babylon, which by that time had been overthrown by the Medes and the Persians. King Nebuchadnezzar and all the royal family had been killed, and King Darius of the Medes sat on the throne. In order to try to bring some continuity and stability to his government, Darius kept on his court a lot of Nebuchadnezzar’s wise men, including Daniel.

One thing that is consistent about Daniel is that, no matter where he is or what circumstance he is in or how he got there, or how unfair his situation is, Daniel stays positive, upbeat even, believing that even in difficult circumstances, God has a plan. That attitude created new opportunities for Daniel wherever he went.

“Then Daniel became distinguished above all the other high officials and satraps, because an excellent spirit was in him. And the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom” (Daniel 6:3 ESV).

I’ve heard it said that attitude determines altitude. At multiple points in his life, when everybody else would have said, “Hey, bud, your life is over,” Daniel said, “I bet God still has something for me yet.” That remained true for Daniel until he was in his 80s!

Let me put the point more bluntly since this has gotten to be counter-cultural today: Older people can still do awesome things. And, Daniel is not the only old person in history to do so.... Read More
Ageism is not only a problem in the local church and the larger Church, but it is also a problem in the world outside of the Body of Christ. The younger generations eskew friendships with the older generations and maintain a distance between themselves and the older generations. The older generations are often viewed through what may be only described as prejudiced eyes. Regrettably the older generations also view the younger generations with prejudiced eyes themselves. It is sad that young and old are not recognized for whom we are--unique human beings.

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