
Saturday, July 24, 2021

Saturday Lagniappe: 'UMC Edges Toward Historic Split over LGBTQ Inclusion' and More

United Methodists’ debate over sexuality did not begin with the ban on same-sex marriage and LGBTQ ordination the denomination’s global decision-making body reaffirmed at its 2019 special session. It has been a topic at every quadrennial General Conference since 1972, when delegates edited the Book of Discipline to call homosexuality “incompatible with Christian teaching.”

4 Ways to Live During the End Times
Are we living in the end times? Yes and no. Yes, because we have always been living in the end times since Jesus’s ascension, waiting for Christ’s return, with signs of false prophets and famine in every age of history. And no, in the sense that this age is no different than any other age. The signs that Jesus mentions occurring in the end times has occurred in every epoch, revealing to us that we should always be ready and always be alert. This age is not any more the end times than the previous age.

We Need (Good) Church Stories
It is easy for us to remember when the church has failed us. But what if God’s people were intentional about sharing stories of faithfulness more than failure?

3 Necessary Preparations for Pastoring in the Next Decade
As we think about ministry in the local church this coming decade, there are many things poised to spark flames. After pastors and church leaders ask the two questions that will determine ministry success, it is essential we have the right mindset to be prepared for these challenges.

4 Stats That Will Change the Way You Pastor
When it comes to leading in a post-pandemic world, knowledge is power. Casey Cleveland, lead pastor of The Avenue Church in Delray, Florida, has a hunch. “I'm catching the vibe that people want the church to be the church,” he says. “Even for those who don't understand theology—the world is asking us to step into being the church.”

On Answering with Gentleness and Respect
In a June essay, celebrated Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie mourned the decline of good-faith conversation, especially online. The post, titled “It Is Obscene,” promptly went viral.

10 Things You Should Know About Lifting of Hands in Worship
Lifting of hands is part of worship in many churches. Worship involves our bodies as well as our hearts and minds. Our posture tells a story. It makes a statement to God and to others about the state of our souls and the affections and passions of our heart.

The Preces Privatae of Lancelot Andres, Bishop of Winchester
F. E. Brightman's translation of this Anglican devotional classic is online at Internet Archive.

What is a Healthy Number of Groups in a Church?
You work hard in your small group ministry. It’s great to know how well you’re doing, right? So, what is a healthy number of groups in a church? This question comes from a member of the Small Group Reset Facebook Group.

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