
Friday, July 16, 2021

Things Will Never Be Normal — And That’s OK

Like most areas of our country, middle Tennessee is crawling out from under COVID-19 restrictions and inching our way back to some kind of normalcy. Some have thrown caution to the wind by fully engaging in their pre-covid habits. Everyone is so tired of having to stay home during the pandemic they’re going on extra vacations during the summer and staying out later during the week. Suddenly, everyone is acting like college students on spring break.

Others being more cautious. They’re still ordering their groceries online and haven’t gone out to restaurants yet. They’re still avoiding crowds and when they travel, they drive. Their return to church has been slower. While things might be better, for these friends, things aren’t normal yet.

No one knows what to make of these new realities. Are we back to normal yet? Is this the new normal? Will we ever get back to normal? What was normal anyway?

Every day, I get a call from someone who wants to know when we’ll get back to normal. The honest answer is we don’t know.

The real answer is “never.” Read More

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