
Monday, August 23, 2021

7 Ways to Draw the Unchurched to Your Church

Christians often wonder how to gain a hearing with non-Christians. What can we do to increase the chances they will listen to us as we talk about our faith in Jesus?

In a 2016 study, Lifeway Research asked 2,000 unchurched Americans exactly that. It turns out, they are more likely to listen if Christians … act like Christians.

n general, however, the unchurched aren’t running away from having faith conversations. Almost half (47%) say they would discuss it freely if someone wanted to talk about their religious beliefs. Few (11%) say they would change the subject as soon as possible.

Among the unchurched who say they have at least one Christian friend, less than 1 in 4 (23%) believe their Christian friends talk about their faith too much. Almost 4 in 5 (79%) say if their friend really values their faith, they don’t mind them talking about it.

So, the unchurched are already open to talking about Christianity, but if they saw several actions among Christians, they would be more likely to pay attention.

When Lifeway Research asked, “Which would make you more interested in listening to what Christians had to say?” here’s what the unchurched said. Read More
Surprise! Surprise! Non-Christians "are more likely to listen if Christians … act like Christians." Then the corrolary may also be true. Non-Christians are less likely to listen to Christians when they do not act like Christians! Get heavily involved in partisan politics. Go on social media and urge people not to wear face masks or get vaccinated in a county that experiencing a surge in COVID-10 infections and hospitalizations. 

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