
Friday, August 06, 2021

It's Friday: '10 Safeguards for Church Nurseries and Children’s Ministry' and More

10 Safeguards for Church Nurseries and Children’s Ministry
Sarah Rainer offers ten recommendations to help reduce the likelihood that sexual abuse will occur in your church’s nursery and kids ministry areas.

Amid Hesitation in African Anglican Provinces, Kenya Appoints First Two Women Bishops
In a predominantly Anglican region of western Kenya, a long-serving female priest has been elected an Anglican bishop, making her the second woman to hold that rank in a country where the consecration of women as bishops is still controversial.
An interesting development in an Anglican province associated with the GAFCON movement and the Anglican Church in North America, an Anglican province recognized by some members of the Anglican Communion but not by others and in which women's ordination is a major issue dividing that province.
Young Evangelicals Are Leaving Church. LGBTQ Bias May Be Driving Them Away.
As white evangelical denominations double down on their opposition to equality, many younger evangelicals, gay and straight, are voting with their feet.
I found the title and subtitle of this article misleading since the article focuses on young gay evangelicals leaving conservative denominations over LGBTQ inclusion. LGBTQ inclusion is also an issue among young straight evangelicals, indeed among young people in the larger unchurched population, something of which those seeking to reach and engage them should be aware. There has been a major shift in attitudes toward same sex relationships and same sex marriage in the younger generations, which conservative churches cannot ignore.
Worship that Forms and Transforms
Scripture emphasizes that spiritual formation is the foundational task of the church. Jesus charged his followers to make disciples, baptize them, and teach them to live in obedience to his commands (Mt 28:19-20). The Great Commission is fundamentally a call to produce disciples—obedient followers—of Jesus Christ who in turn make other disciples.

Front of House Mixing Tutorial With James Attaway
Mixing is mixing, right? Well, no. For anyone who runs sound on Sunday mornings, front of house mixing of live sound presents special challenges.

5 Ways the Enemy Lures Us into Sin
Every one of us is responsible for his or her sin, but we still wrestle against an enemy who seeks to devour us (1 Pet 5:8). In fact, we could list multiple ways he tries to trap us in sin. Here, though, are some reminders we likely all need....

What Does It Really Mean to Be the Salt of the Earth?
An awful lot of Jesus’s disciples, the very people whom he identified as the salt of the earth, are still not entirely clear on what he meant.

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