
Friday, August 20, 2021

It's Friday: 'Ed Stetzer: 5 Ways an Organization Can Move Toward a Healthier Place' and More

Ed Stetzer: 5 Ways an Organization Can Move Toward a Healthier Place
Ed Stetzer outlines the process by which organizations can move from being unhealthy to healthy.

10 Findings about Church Conflict
Over the years Chuck Lawless has worked as a consultant with many churches dealing with conflict. In this article he shares some of his conclusions based upon those experiences.

5 Ways to Improve Your Small Congregation’s Singing
I am from personal experience well-aware of the challenges of congregational singing in small congregations--both new congregations and longtime ones, having served in various capacities in music and worship ministry in both kinds of congregations.

Open With The Same Song – Every Week
I was surprised at the negative reaction to this idea on one website. It is not a bad idea; provided that, the same song is used only for a few short weeks and is not overdone. What Dan Wilt is essentially advocating is a sung call to worship in which the congregation participates. It helps a congregation to make the transition from an aggregate of people to a worshipping assembly.

Two Simple Ways to Think about Your Church’s Social Media
Some churches, judicatories, and denominations make poor use of social media. In my way of thinking, no matter how well we are making use of social media, there is always room for improvement.

Click Here to Pray: How the Church Connects to Technology
“The church needs to be aware that technology isn’t simply a tool that we use but something that shapes us or forms us with each use.... Taking an uncritical approach to technology can result in dangerous and dehumanizing outcomes, but it can also be used with wisdom to extend our capacities to love God and love our neighbor as we seek to honor the inherent dignity of all people.”

What Does the Bible Say About Evangelism?
A good question. What does the Bible say about evangelism? You may be surprised.

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