
Friday, August 27, 2021

It's Friday: 'Suicidal Teen: What Youth Leaders Need to Know" and More

As a former mental health counselor, I would argue that we all need to know SLAPP. I have not only worked with suicidal clients, but I also had a friend commit suicide.

Neuro-diversity in Your Church: Why it Matters
A short but fascinating article. Definitely worth the read.

No More Ghost Towns
Is your church a ghost town for latecomers? I learned the value of having greeters and hospitality ministers available to help latecomers when I was a member of the guest services ministry team at the Journey Church in Murray, Kentucky. I manned Journey Cafe during the both services and assisted latecomers to the services.

BSA Bankruptcy Concerns Church Leaders
The Boy Scouts of America's bankruptsy has opened a can of worms for United Methodist Church congregations. They, however, may not be the only churches that are affected.

How Can I Make Daily Bible Reading Authentic?
More authentic? A better title would have been "How can I get more out of my daily Bible reading?"

5 Suggestions When the Pastor Leads a Small Group
While I believe that a pastor should show his commitment to small groups by leading one himself, I also believe that he should encourage other participants in his small group to lead. Every small group leader should equip the group's participants to become small group leaders themselves.

10 Reasons We Should Welcome Muslim Refugees
In this article, Craig Greenfield suggest that as followers of Jesus, the most Christlike thing we could do in the face of the humanitarian crisis in Afghanistan, is to welcome Muslim refugees into our communities with open arms.

Building Bridges to Our Muslim Neighbors
A growing number of churches and church leader are recognizing new opportunities for witness in an increasingly diverse world. Rather than turning their backs on people of other faiths or no faith at all, they are actively seeking to reach and engage them.

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