
Monday, August 02, 2021

It's Monday: 'How to Inhabit an Unraveling Culture' and More

A new order is required for success—an order that ‘removes those who oppose us.’ Such zero-sum sentiments are at the heart of the unraveling we’re seeing.

10 Things That Ain’t Church (Some Thoughts on Irregular and Declining Church Attendance)
It’s never been easier to avoid church, skip church or exit church than it is today. And it has a lot of church leaders and Christians scrambling to figure out what’s happening, why it’s happening and what it all means.

Can You Be Reformed and Charismatic? Matt Chandler Thinks So
Reformed Charismatic or Charismatic Calvinist. They are terms you would expect to see on a list that includes “criminal justice” and “minor disaster.” You can almost hear the start of a joke, "a Calvinist and a Charismatic walk into a bar...."

New Pilgrim Routes Launched in One of Britain's Busiest Holiday Destinations
Pilgrimage routes linking historic churches and ancient holy sites in one of the country’s most popular tourist destinations have been launched as part of a Church of England-funded project.

Contemplative Walking
To be a pilgrim is to be a wanderer on an unbroken journey with a purpose, to a holy site or to somewhere of significance to us personally. We are all pilgrims, seeking to nurture our souls - an unbroken journey to the source of all life, it’s good to undertake such a journey.

Engaging Culture Well: How to Share Your Faith Critically and Contextually Today
In every time period and historical context during which it has been shared, the gospel has confronted culture in one way or another.

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