
Tuesday, August 24, 2021

It's Tuesday: 'What If the Prodigal Never Comes Home in the Nordics?'

What If the Prodigal Never Comes Home in the Nordics?
In Jesus' parable the prodigal returns home and the father races to welcome him. But what would have happened if the prodigal had stayed in the far country?

Virus Bedevils UMC General Conference Planning
After two postponements, organizers of the United Methodist Church's General Conference are hoping to hold the denomination's top law-making body in 2022. The delta variant may throw a monkey wrench into their plans.

The World Is Catechizing Us Whether We Realize It or Not
While Kevin DeYoung's article focuses on how the world is influencing young people's view of sexual identity and human sexuality, it is also influencing how we treat our neighbors, our fellow Christians, and those whom we dislike or who dislike us. It is becoming more acceptable to be unkind and even to be cruel.

Episcopal Clergy Entertain and Evangelize in the Virtual ‘Town Square’ of TikTok
I thought that readers might be interested in how Episcopal clergy are using TikTok to reach and engage young people. TikTok enjoys wide use among Millenials and Generation Z. You won't find them on Facebook but you will find them on TikTok. We ignore this video editing and streaming app at our own peril.

How to Welcome People with Disabilities in Your Church
We need to be more pro-active in welcoming people with disabilities in our churches. God dearly loves them and treasures them too.

Checklist: Sound Gear You Really Need
This article, while it contains helpful informations, makes certain assumption about worship in the local church, which may not apply to your church.

What Is a Tween: A Close-up Look at Preteen Kids
We really do need to know to whom we are ministering. We cannot assume that we know how we should minister to young people, based upon our own experience at their age.

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