
Wednesday, August 25, 2021

It's Wednesday: Ed Stetzer: "5 Future Trends of Church Planting" and More

In this article Ed looks at what he sees will 5 future trends in church planting.

Imagining New Methodism: A Denomination That Prioritizes New Churches
Allan T. Stanton looks beyond the 2022 UMC General Conference and expresses the hope that the new denomination will be built around the reality that small membership churches will make up the majority of its congregations.
Among the trends about which Thom Rainer has written on Church Answers is that most churches in the twenty-first century will be small, neighborhood churches. Rainer also see a place for microchurches and house churches.
Eight Ways to Fill Your Pews
How are churches going to fill their pews this year. Rebekah Simon-Peter looks at some options.

9 Ways the Modern Worship Service Is Changing
The world has changed a lot since the late 1990s. So has the average church worship service.

Building a Set List: Where to Start
Jamie Brown introduces the concepts of "the core" and "an angle" in the selection of songs.

Some Christian Leaders Advise Parents on COVID-19 Exemptions
A religious exemption for a face mask or vaccination for a child may put the parents at risk. Children are bringing COVID-19 home from school with them and infecting their parents and grandparents and non-school age siblings.

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