
Saturday, August 28, 2021

Saturday Lagniappe: 'Amid a Boom of Plus-Sized Churches, One Catholic Church Wants to Keep It Small' and More

Smaller churches, Thom Rainer has pointed out, may be a trend in the 21st century with the younger generations preferring the positives of a small church community.

Study: Gen Z Doubles Down on Spirituality, Combining Tarot and Traditional Faith
Having lived and worked in New Orleans where foretune tellers have set up tables in front of St. Louis Cathedral, I am not surprised by this trend. While Gen Z may see no conflict between tarot and other occult practices and traditional faith, Jesus address this issue when he said. "No one can serve two masters. They love one and hate the other." Sensitive church leaders will want to explore what needs these occult practices are meeting that traditional faith is not and then address meeting those needs traditional faith is not meeting.

Harvard’s New Chief Chaplain Does Not Believe in God
Whatever we may think of this appointment, we need to recognized that attitudes toward spirituality and religion are changing in the United States. We cannot close our eyes and pretend that we are still in the 1950s or the 1980s. It is 2021.

9 Things You Should Know About Secular Humanism
Joe Carter offers 9 things that he believes we should know about secular humanism.

What Mask and Vaccine Mandates Mean for Religious Liberty
Russel Moore draws to our attention that most objections to mask and vaccine mandates on religious grounds are not legitimate or valid. Masks and vaccine mandates are really not a religious liberty issue.

Daniel Darling Fired from NRB After Pro-Vaccine Remarks
The National Association of Religious Broadcasters terminates its spokesperson for championing the COVID-19 vaccine. His termination prompts me to wonder what this world is coming to. Earlier this week I had a lengthy conversation with an individual who maintained that he had no responsibiliyy for other people, just for himself. He was under no obligation to look out for other people's health, safety, and wellbeing.

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