
Saturday, August 21, 2021

Saturday Lagniappe: "Hannah-Kate Williams Sues SBC Leaders for Covering up Sexual Abuse' and More

Sexual abuse perpetrators can be anybody. In most cases someone they are someone known to the victim. Organizations, religious or otherwise, have a poor record of protecting the vulnerable, children and adults, from sexual abuse, harassment, and exploitation and of treating victims with compassion and fairness. Blaming the victim is not uncommon as is going to great lengths to protect the organization.

Vax Facts: San Diego Researchers Debunk 7 Common COVID-19 Vaccine Myths
All kinds of misinformation and disinformation about the COVID-19 vaccines are circulating on the internet. In one western Kentucky new infections and hospitalizations are skyrocketing. In the same county a local pastor is spreading false and inaccurate information about the vaccines, wearing face masks, and other public health measures. He may be making a name for himself with one group of local residents, but he is doing irreperable harm to the health, safety, and wellbeing of the larger population.

COVID Booster Shots Are Coming. Here's What You Need To Know
This article explains why those who have received two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine need a booster shot and who will be first to receive a booster shot.

EXPLAINER: Don’t Count on a Pastor’s Letter to Help You Avoid COVID Vaccine Mandates
Some churchgoers are seeking religious exemptions from vaccination upon very shaky legal grounds. Their objections to vaccination upon close examination are motivated by politics and/or anti-vaxx ideology.

Why It Is a Sin Not to Wear a Mask
For those who claim to be a Christian, refusing to wear a face mask and to protect others from the aerosol transmission of the COVID-19 virus, particularly its highly infectious Delta variant, is arguably a repudiation of Jesus' commandment to love our neighbor and by extension a disavowal of Jesus and his teaching and example before the world.

Why We Miss Hugs
One of the harmful effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been a deficit of tactile stimulation necessary to human wellbeing--what psychologists call "touch deprivation."

How Difficult was the Book of Revelation’s Journey into the Canon?
Michael J. Kruger shares with interested readers some of the highlights of Revelation's journey into the canon.

Recruit Coaches Before You Recruit New Leaders
Critical to the successful launch of new small groups is to provide their leaders with coaches and not leave them to flounder along by themselves.

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