
Thursday, August 05, 2021

Text Messaging Vs. Email Marketing: Which Strategy Is Best For Your Church in 2021?

Today, people are increasingly connected while “on the go” via smartphones and other mobile devices. But even as the world becomes more and more connected, people are growing more disconnected from church at an alarming rate.

The onset of the pandemic brought many challenges, such as the inability to greet congregants and shake their hands on Sunday mornings, leaving pastors unsure of how to take the pulse of their congregation’s real, felt needs.

As a result, church leaders continue to seek the best digital technologies to engage congregants and first-time guests in more personal and friendly ways.
And, despite many church leader’s best efforts, they’re still struggling to create a dialogue with their people online.

To achieve maximum online engagement, it’s important to identify the right communications channel—or channels—for your church. Sometimes, text messaging is best. Other times, email is best. Sometimes a powerful duo of both texting and email marketing can achieve the desired result.

For creating online dialogue, both text messaging and email marketing have proved valuable channels for churches.

For decades, email has been the most reliable and steadily performing channel. But with the rise of mobile phones, text messaging is gaining popularity (a recent Pew study says 85% of adults own smartphones, up from 81% in 2019).

We’ll discuss these two communication channels in greater detail below so you can determine which of the two—or perhaps a combination of both—is most appropriate for your church’s strategy. Read More

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