
Thursday, August 05, 2021

Three Things Every Family Needs and One Thing They Don't

After 18 months of virtual ministry, churches are re-engaging face to face. The question I keep hearing is: “How are we going to get families back to church?” With too many still unvaccinated, during the rise in breakthrough cases from the delta variant, and while the vaccine is inaccessible to young children, a better question to ask is, “How are we going to engage families in our community?” It may not mean butts in pews. It may mean something completely different that we haven’t thought of yet! Regardless of how you shape ministry programming in context – virtual, in person, or hybrid – every family or individual needs three things. Read More
For once an article that is not oblivious to the fact that we are in the midst of surge of new COVID-19 cases. Most counties in Kentucky where I live have been zoned red due to their high transmission rate. In my county we are seeing a noticeable increase in infected children, including infants under one year of age. The county health department is urging people to get vaccinated, wear face masks, social distance, and avoid large gatherings. I keep running across articles on the internet written for pastors and other church leaders, articles that treat the pandemic as if it was thing of the past and which are completely out of touch with what is going on around the country. They are informative articles but the timing of their publication is way off.  

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