
Friday, September 10, 2021

All Hallows Evening Prayer for Saturday Evening (September 11, 2021) Is Now Online

All Hallows Evening Prayer is a service of worship in the evening for all pilgrims on the journey to the heavenly city.

The Apocrypha, or the Deuterocanonical Books as they are called by Catholics, is accepted by Catholics as a part of the canon of the Bible. Anglicans and Lutherans read them for “example of life and instruction of manners,” but they do not apply these books to establish any doctrine. Other Protestants generally do not read them. That said, Protestants whose church traditions have not read the books of the Apocrypha have taken interest in the Apocrypha in more recent times.

Among the reasons that Protestants historically rejected the Apocrypha as uncanonical is that it was believed that they were rejected by the Jews on the grounds that they were not the inspired Word of God. The Jews did not view them as divinely-inspired because they had been written in Greek, not Hebrew, and the early Christians read them. However, Hebrew texts of books or fragments of books of the Apocrypha in Hebrew have been found in more recent times. We must decide for ourselves whether we should not read the books of the Apocrypha on the basis that they were read by the early Christians. I believe that we can benefit from reading them, but we should submit their thought to canonical Scripture as we do the thought of the writings of the early Church fathers. For example, in the Book of Tobit burning the bladder of a particular kind of fish is used to expel a demon. Jesus, however, taught his disciples that evil spirits are expelled by prayer.

The version of Psalm 139, Bernadette Farrell’s “O God, You Have Searched Me and You Know Me,” is a slightly different one from the version used in previous services. Steven C. Warner’s “May You Cling to Wisdom” is based on Proverbs 4. While it was written for weddings, it is also suitable for Ordinations and the Reconciliation of a Penitent and other occasions. John Philip Newell’s “The Song of Mary,” used in this Saturday evening’s service is a modern interpretation of the Magnificat. The dismissal song, "Lord, It Is Night” is based upon a much loved prayer from the Night Service of A New Zealand Prayer Book. The artist featured in four videos is the late Fran McKendree.

The Scripture reading for this Saturday evening is Proverbs 1: 20-33 Wisdom Calls.

The homily is titled “Wisdom’s Children, God’s Friends.”

The link to this Saturday evening’s service is—

Please feel free to share the link to the service with anyone whom you believe might benefit from the service.

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Previous services are online at

May this service be a blessing to you.

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