
Monday, September 06, 2021

It's Monday: 'The Seven Most Common Challenges for Churches in the Second Wave of COVID' and More

Church leaders are facing the challenges of second wave of the COVID-19 virus. The delta variant has dashed their hope of a return to normalcy.

3 Trends Shaping the Post-Pandemic Church
Missiologist Ed Stetzer examines some recent trends in American churches. His use of the term "post-pandemic" is premature in he light of the second wave of the COVID-19 virus sweeping the United States.

Why Women Don’t Like Women’s Ministry
Churches are not going to reach and engage women in the 21st century with approaches from the 20th century, approaches which are not attuned to the lives of women in this century.

The Church Has Helped to Heal Those It Once Hurt
I thought this Christianity Today article might be a good companion article to the preceding article.

How to Best Connect with Church Guests (on Their Terms)
Too many churches do not do a good job of connecting with their guests. I have served as a guest service volunteer and as a secret visitor and when I visit a church, I can quickly spot where it falls short and where it needs to improve.

The Lonely Pastor: 6 Ways to Dig Out
Being a pastor can be a very lonely vocation. Charles Stone suggests some things pastors can do when they are feeling overwhelmed by loneliness.

5 Reasons I’m Starting to Read a Paper Bible Again
I never gave up reading my paper Bibles but I also use digital ones. I like to compare the same passage in different translations. I can read translations that I do not have in my library. I have J. B. Phillips' The Gospels: translated into Modern English, but I do not have his Letters to the Young Churches: A translation of the New Testament Epistles. I have been reading his translation and using it in homilies for a change of pace. While his translation does not use the inclusive language of some more recent translations, it was made for the young people in his church in London. I have found reading his translation has made the Bible fresh for me.

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