
Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Prayer Requested for COVID-19 Patient and Family

Your prayers are asked for Tim Ingland, his wife Kayla, and their sons. Tim and his family are residents of Murray, Kentucky. He is in Murray-Calloway County Hospital on a ventilator with COVID-19, a collapsed lung, and pneumonia.

Murray First United Methodist Church is sponsoring a candlelight prayer vigil for him in the Murray-Calloway County Hospital parking lot on Wednesday, September 15, at 6:00 PM CT.

Please also pray for all who have come down with COVID-19 and are in hospital or at home.

Right now, Kentucky is particularly hard-hit. To make matters worse, the state legislature at a special session adopted measures which further stripped the governor’s emergency powers and increased the likelihood of the virus’ spread. These measures may please their donors and their voter base, but they will not help check the pandemic in the state.

Please pray that concern for health, safety and well being of the state’s communities and schools will prevail over politics, and those in positions of authority will take appropriate steps to protect the residents of their communities and the children in their schools.

Your prayers are much desired and greatly appreciated.

Lay your hand, O Christ, upon your servant Tim and all who are sick in the hospital or at home with the COVID-19 coronavirus. With your healing touch make them whole in body, mind, and spirit. Strengthen them with the power of God, indwell them with the love of God, and give them peace. Amen. 

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