
Thursday, October 14, 2021

It's Thursday: 'In Prayer, We Are Fully Seen and Fully Known' and More

In Prayer, We Are Fully Seen and Fully Known
How intimacy with God fuels Meg Baatz’s ministry among same-sex-attracted and LGBT peers.

What Comes After the Ex-Gay Movement? The Same Thing That Came Before.
Old-school evangelical leaders once knew the value of “care” over “cure.”

The Not-So-Surprising Reason Kids Grow up to Be Atheists
A new study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science shows that the number one predictive factor for an American child becoming an atheist is growing up in a home with little religion or religious activity.

9 Teaching Methods Of Jesus
As pastors, if there is anyone we should emulate in our preaching and teaching it is Jesus! Right? So how did Jesus teach?

Battling Beside Them: Ministering to Students Fighting Anxiety or Depression
In state universities, community colleges, and private universities more and more students are struglling with anxiety or depression.

When Church is “Boring”
Church can be boring adults as well as children. We can make church more interesting for childre. We can make it more interesting for adults too.

What’s Working for Groups in Fall 2021
When Carey Nieuwhof told the world that just when pastors thought we were ending the marathon of 2020, then 2021 handed us a swimsuit and a bike making this a triathlon. He wasn’t wrong. Clearly things have not snapped back, and it appears that things may never resume 2019 standards and strategies. And, that’s okay.

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