
Tuesday, October 19, 2021

It's Tuesday: 'The Shift from Gathering to Connecting' and More

We are experiencing a seismic shift in the church from physical to digital. Some churches and denominations are embracing this shift; others, however, are retreating from it. They have made poor judgment calls in the past and their retreat from digital may be the latest.For better or worse we are now living in a digital age.

Why Texting Is the Next Big Thing for Churches I must admit that I have ambivalent feelings about texting. We send texts but the people to whom we send them are not reading them. We may discover that they are blocking us.

2 in 3 U.S. Churchgoers Say They’re Back to In-Person Attendance
What I am observing is that the regular attendees of my church are attending less often physically and more often digitally. They attend church in person when it is their Sunday to serve as a volunteer or it is a Communion Sunday.

What John 3:16 Says About a Wonderful World Worth Saving
Brandon makes a good point. Rather than base our theology on what Scripture says, we read our theology into Scripture.

Four Simple Steps You Can Take Right Now To Grow Generosity At Your Church! Communication is SO important!

Anchoring Prayer for a Time Such as This
I have personally found prayer to be an anchor when I am faced with the difficulties of this life.

How Doubt Helps Us Prayer
When the apostle James talks about halfhearted prayer, he is also talking about prayer that is offered in the wrong spirit, prayer for the gratification of our desires, desires which may be selfish or sinful. I share my doubt struggles with God and ask God for grace to pray wholeheartedly, to pray in line with his will.

Digital Outreach Strategy – 3 Steps to Get Started
Learning to leverage digital whatever way we can to make and grow disciples of Jesus is critical in our digital age.

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