
Friday, October 01, 2021

Reaching Gen Z Students Before They Graduate

Anywhere from 67% to upwards of 80% of people who ever come to Christ do so on or before their 18th birthday.

According to a recent Barna study, Generation Z teens are more atheistic and less Christian than any generation we have ever known. Thirty-five percent of Gen Z teens consider themselves to be atheist, agnostic, or have no religious affiliation at all. In Judges 2:10 the Bible says, “There grew up a generation who knew not the Lord nor the things he had done.” This is the generation presently standing before us.

The truth is, statistically, if students are not reached by age 18, it is likely they never will. Multiple studies have been undertaken and each shows startling realities. Anywhere from 67% to upwards of 80% of people who ever come to Christ do so on or before their 18th birthday.

This is why we must be as serious as ever in making sure students don’t graduate without Jesus.

So how can we as Christ-followers individually, and our churches corporately, begin to reach the Gen Z teens where we are? Here are seven steps you can take to make an impact and shift the tide of a generation back to Jesus. Read More

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