
Wednesday, November 10, 2021

9 Reasons Your Church Might Need a Choir

Most of the churches I’ve been a member of over 45+ years have had a choir. I realize that’s unusual now. I understand the various reasons for churches doing away with a choir, and I’m not arguing that every church should have a choir—but it might be the right move for your church. Here are some reasons why... Read More
A choir may be described as a committee of the congregation that leads and supports the congregation in singing the hymns, songs, and service music of a service. Its performance of special music is secondary. From what I have seen is that praise teams do not lead and support congregational singing. They sing instead of the congregation. The congregation listens or plays games on their cell phones, waiting for the main event--the sermon. The Sunday gathering is no longer corporate worship. The members of the congregation are no longer participants. They are an audience. 

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