
Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Effective Cell Group Lessons You Can Use

These lesson ideas work for any small group, not just cell groups.

The goal of my men’s life group is to make everyone a disciple who makes other disciples. This should be the goal of every cell group. Although I lead the group, I’m more of the coach than the leader. That is, my role is to make sure everyone in the group is participating and becoming a disciple in the process. Cell group lessons must support this goal.

Part of the discipleship process is that each one leads the lesson time. To ensure this happens, we rotate each month. That is, one person rotates each month leading the Welcome time (icebreaker); another person rotates leading the Worship time; another person rotates leading the Word (lesson time), and another person will rotate leading the Witness time. Are some naturally better in leading the lesson time? Yes, definitely. But the point is not to place the best person in front of the group but to make disciples by giving everyone the opportunity. Remember that people become disciples in the process of participating, rather than merely listening. Read More

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