
Friday, November 12, 2021

It's Friday: 'How to Spot a Personality Cult' and More

How to Spot a Personality Cult
If a pastor of a church does not point past himself to Jesus, something is seriously in that church. We are called to follow Jesus, not a pastor. A pastor is an undershepherd. He is not "the" shepherd.

Kindness in a World Gone Mad
Kindness does not come easily.

Loving Your Neighbor and Neighborhood More Vital Than Ever
“When Jesus instructed His followers to ‘love your neighbor as yourself,’ there were no strings attached."

Why We Must Persevere in Prayer
Matt Brown offers us encouragement from the Book of Daniel to persevere in prayer.

5 Posts about Small Groups and Small Group Leaders
A Sunnday School class can be a small group, but all Sunday school classes are not small groups. While some small groups may have up to 12 participants, the optimal size for a small group is 5 to 7 participants. To achieve life transformation in a small group it is a good to rotate the different leadership roles weekly.

Sunday School Games: 10 Active Indoor Games That Help Kids Grow Their Faith
Plus a bonus of 4 more games.

The Joy of Living in a World Gone Wrong
"Don’t despair when you see how badly this world needs repair. Stand up and stand out. This is what makes the Christian life an adventure."

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