
Friday, November 19, 2021

It's Friday: 'Why I’m Inviting John Leland to Thanksgiving Debates About Christian America' and More

Just as established churches produce nominal Christians so do other state-sponsored forms of religion produce nominal adherents. There is wisdom behind the seperation of church and state clause. We cannot legislate belief.

More Witches than Presbyterians
This article was originally published in 2018 but it points a development of which we should be aware when we as Christians have spiritual conversations with our fellow Christians and non-Christians. Relying on God and resorting to magic are antithetical. Wicca and witchcraft elevate the self as the arbiter of right and wrong, good and evil, and do not draw a clear distinction between them.

I Love Santa
We can celebrate the festivities that have become associated with Christmas and the Christmas Season without losing sight of the main reason for celebrating them--the birth of Jesus.

The Small Group Bump
"The Small Group Boom of 2021 ended up being more of a Small Group Bump, but it was a significant bump. These churches ended up with more small groups than they ever had and more people in groups than ever. And, more of their groups continued. In places where we might have launched hundreds of new groups in more normal times, we launched dozens of new groups instead. They were 'COVID successful.'"

The Brain and Small Groups
This sis the first article in what promises to be an interesting series of articles on the neuroscience of transformation change particularly as it relates to small groups.

Two Ways Social Media is Changing Whether or not you are involved in Christian ministry online, you definitely need to read this article.

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