
Wednesday, November 03, 2021

It's Wednesday: 'Start Leading the Church You Have' and More

Makes a heap of sense. Rather than hanker for the good old days, which are gone forever, work with what we have got.

6 Soul Care Essentials for Pastors
A pastor needs to take care of himself if he is going to shepherd a flock.

6 Traits Every Pastor Needs From a ‘Barnabas’
I was born on Barnabas' feast day so I look on him as a kind of patron saint, a model to emulate. I have to admit that I need encouragement too.

What Liturgy Should (And Shouldn’t) Aim To Do
God can use a well-planned and well-executed liturgy to transform us. After all, he enabled us to come up with liturgical forms of worship.

Simple Musical Settings of the Communion Liturgy
Posting a video introducing a new service music and hymns and sacred songs on the church's website is a great idea. It emphsizes not only the importance of music in the liturgy but also the importance of the congregation's participation in the music.

Godly Habits Can Get Us Back on Track
Godly habits are more than Bible reading, tithing, and prayer. Treating each other with kindness is a godly habit. So is not gossiping about the pastor and others behind their back and not spreading false rumors about them.

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