
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

All Hallows Evening Prayer for Wednesday Evening (December 29, 2021) Is Now Online

All Hallows Evening Prayer is a service of worship in the evening for all pilgrims on the journey to the heavenly city.

We may have no Pharaoh in our lives, demanding that we kill baby boys. But we do experience a daily constant pressure to keep doing what we used to do before we became a disciple of Jesus, to do things the way our family and relations do them, our friends do them, our “tribe” does them. The Hebrew midwives had the courage and strength to defy Pharaoh. They may not have done it openly, but they nonetheless refused to obey him. They put God first.

How good a job are you doing at defying the little pharaohs in your life, those who urge you to not to fear God and love him with every atom of your being, and to not do things the way he taught us to do through Jesus’ teaching and example?

The Scripture reading for this Wednesday evening’s service is Exodus 1:8-10, 15-21 The Hebrew Midwives Defy Pharaoh.

The homily is titled “No Better Reward.”

The link to this evening’s service is—

Please feel free to share the link to the service with anyone whom you believe might benefit from the service.

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Previous services are online at

May this service be a blessing to you.

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