
Thursday, December 23, 2021

It's Thursday: 'Across US, Houses of Worship Struggle to Rebuild Attendance'

When Westminster United Methodist Church in Houston resumed in-person services late last year, after a seven-month halt due to COVID-19, there were Sundays when only three worshippers showed up, according to the pastor, Meredith Mills. Since then, attendance has inched back up, but it’s still only about half the pre-pandemic turnout of 160 or 170....

Virtual Christmas Services and Music to Enjoy from Home
As the Omicron variant continues to disrupt the holiday season, a variety of options are available to participate in the familiar liturgical rituals of Christmas. Whether your parish is doing its own virtual service or not, here are some options that anyone with Internet access can participate in. All events listed are free to view online, unless specified otherwise. All times are local.

Some Thoughts on Thriving as a Church
Part of what makes leading a church so dynamic and exciting is that, within our ministries, we lead at least three different sorts of organizations. Each one comes with its own needs and its own gifts. Leading is a lot like dancing or conducting an orchestra, where joy is found in many people and many activities working together for one great purpose.

How Do We Define "Love" in an Age of Masks and Exhaustion?
Why I believe some of us are lowering our masks.

Christians should not underestimate the power that conformity exerts on their attitudes, beliefs, and behavior.

When a Good God Seems Far From Good
In painful circumstances we can experience doubt and uncertainty.

Rick Warren: 12 Keys to a More Powerful Prayer Life
Rick Warren shares 12 prayer principles that have made a great difference in his prayer life.

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