
Thursday, December 16, 2021

It's Thursday: ' Always Festivus and Never Christmas' and More

Always Festivus and Never Christmas
This season calls for reconciliation, not rage and resentment.

Fewer Americans Identify as Christians
While it is tempting to place all the blame on the secularization of American society and the shift in attitudes toward religion. Christians themselves have a major share in the blame. They may attend a church but many of them do not practice what the One they call Lord taught and exemplified.

Where Are All the Heretical Bishops in the Second Century?
Michael Kruger offers an additional way to test Walter Bauer's theory that that early Christianity was "wildly diverse in the earliest centuries and that the heretics outnumbered the orthodox."

4 Reasons Why Every Pastor Should Lead a Small Group
If a church has a small group ministry, the lead pastor should set an example and lead a small group himself.

Learn to Control Your Anger
"If you’re going to learn how to control your anger, you have to stop making excuses and start accepting responsibility for your reactions. Anger is a choice, just like every other emotion."

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