
Thursday, December 02, 2021

It's Thursday: 'Going Where the Fish Are' and More

Going Where the Fish Are
Not only do churches fish on the wrong side of the boat, they fish in the wrong place, at the wrong time of day, and with the wrong bait.

Few Americans Confident They Could Tell Biblical Christmas Story
My reaction to this article was one of sadness. I have heard and read the Christmas story since I was a boy. While I not surprised that non-Christians may not know the story, the finding that Christians also do not know it is saddening. They should know at least the substance of the story. If someone asks them why they celebrate Christmas, they should be able to answer, "Christians believe...." and then go on to tell the Christmas story.

Memory and the Effective Speaker, Teacher, and Preacher
I thought that Charles Stone's article was the perfect followup to the preceding article. The Christmas story was passed on orally before it was written down so it should not be difficult to remember.

4 Ideas for celebrating Christmas Through Serving
Service to others is a great way for Christians to share the joy of Christmas with them.

5 Major Concerns About the State of the Bible in the U.S.
According to research, reading the Bible increases our joy, our outlook on life, our likelihood to be good neighbors, and our ability to forgive others. The research also reveals some troubling and concerning trends, trends which ministry leaders should be burdened over and pray for wisdom in how to address.

We’ve No Less Days to Sing God’s Praise, But New Worship Songs Only Last a Few Years
I may be wrong, but strophic hymns and songs--with or without refrains and repetitions--and simple choruses endure longer. They are easier for the congregation to learn and remember. They can be "sung lustily and with good courage." The congregation can also unite their voices into one.

Losses of a Prayerless Christian
I cannot imagine being a Christian and not praying.

Gentleness Is a Christian Virtue
Sadly we can be as mean-sprited as those who don't claim to follow Jesus, even more so!

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