
Thursday, March 17, 2022

What's On the Web: '5 Enemies Of The Soul That Hurt Your Church' And More

5 Enemies Of The Soul That Hurt Your Church
It’s easy to get so consumed with solving the problems in the church that we miss slaying the enemies of the church.

How to Avoid Misinformation and Disinformation Online
In the era of the social internet, this means rejecting the temptation of cynicism while simultaneously growing wise to how falsehood spreads. Currently, two kinds of falsehood thrive on social media: misinformation and disinformation. Understanding both is the first step toward resistance.

7 Great Ways to Teach Kids to Pray
Getting to know God on a heart level involves talking with Him, not just learning about Him. Children talk naturally with their friends and family. Wouldn’t it be exciting if we could teach kids to pray and talk to God just as easily!

The Brain & Small Groups
o-authored by Jim Wilder and Michel Hendricks, the book The Other Half of Church explores the neuroscience of transformational change and what we in the church can (and probably should) do in order to unlock huge opportunities for our churchgoers’ spiritual growth.

Resentment Rots the Soul: How to Handle Anger So It Doesn’t Diminish Your Self
It has been said that harboring resentment is like ingesting poison and then waiting for the other person to die. Indeed, resentment rots the soul. It causes the soul, and in some ways the body, to wither on the vine. Thus, if we wish to keep our souls vibrant and our bodies healthy, we must find a way to deal with the temptation toward resentment.

Americans’ Support for LGBTQ Rights Higher than Ever, Even as White Evangelicals Lag
With LGBTQ rights a hot button issue diving US Cristianity, this trend is bound to affect the local church.

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